Konsep Tasawwuf Islam- There is no doubt that Tasawwuf is an important branch of Islam, irrespective of whether the word itself is derived from the Arabic word suf (literally wool), or its origin is traced to safa.
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Tasawwuf Islam

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Islam Wikipedia
Sufism Arabic tasawwuf is a mystical ascetic approach to Islam that seeks to find a direct personal experience of God Classical Sufi scholars defined Tasawwuf as a science whose objective is the reparation of the heart and turning it away from all else but God through intuitive and emotional faculties that one must be

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Islam in South Africa Wikipedia
Islam in South Africa is a minority religion practised by roughly 1 9 of the total population 5 6 Islam in South Africa has grown in three phases The first phase brought the earliest Muslims as part of the involuntary migration of slaves artisans political prisoners and political exiles from the Dutch East Indies that lasted from

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